Color Facts

The Natural Color of Rubber is White. Rubber is made black by adding various chemicals, such as carbon black. This isn’t just for cosmetic reasons, but because adding chemicals like carbon black to the rubber drastically increases desirable qualities of the rubber

In the Middle Ages, manuscripts were “illuminated” with paint made from ground semi-precious stones and egg yolks

Dying your hair black in ancient Rome involved feeding leeches, putting them in vinegar, leaving the substance to ferment for two months and thicken into a paste, then applying the mixture to the hair and allowing it to dry for a day

Various paint colors can help the body heal itself. For example, red can often help depressed people regain vigor, while green has been shown to relieve stress

The first interior painting was done roughly 40,000 years ago in what is now France by prehistoric cave dwellers, who employed stencils in some of the work and even “spray-painted” by blowing paint through hollow bird bones

In a double rainbow, light is reflected twice inside each water droplet, and the colours in the outer arc appear in reverse order

Plants are green because they reflect green light and absorb the other colours for photosynthesis. If you put a plant under green light, it will probably die

Nine languages don’t have words for colour – they only differentiate between black and white. For example in Dan (New Guinea) things can be ‘mili’ (darkish) or ‘mola’ (lightish)

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