Frogs Facts

When kept in captivity, poison dart frogs are harmless. They become poisonous in the wild because they eat ants, and the ants consume a variety of toxic plants.

During courtship, Male Indian dancing frogs sing and wave to the females, using their webbed feet as flags.

A type of frog called the “horror frog” will break its own bones to make claws out of them and use them as defensive weapons.

The male Darwin’s Frog (Rhinoderma darwinii) from South America incubates the female’s eggs in his vocal sac. They live in there as tadpoles for six weeks before he coughs them out into the world

Some tarantulas are known for keeping small frogs as pets — the frogs eat insects that prey upon tarantula eggs.

The puff adder is the first terrestrial snake observed using “lingual luring”—it tricks frogs into thinking its tongue is food.

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