Germany Facts

In Germany, attempting to escape from the prison is completely legal. Getting yourself free is considered a basic human instinct.

Most schools in Germany let out at lunchtime.

Historically, Germany has produced around 6% of all greenhouse gas emissions since the Industrial Revolution which is about the same amount as Africa and South America combined.

“Dropping” is a tradition among many Dutch parents; they take their kids camping, then abandon them in the forest at night so the child must find their way back on their own Some parents follow their kids, hiding and growling in the dark

Austria, Belgium, France, and Germany hold elections on weekends or have made election day a holiday, all surpass America in voter turnout.

If you take a picture of your food in Germany, the chef legally owns the rights to the photo as it’s considered their artwork.

Albert Einstein was one of the 5,000 people who signed a petition to reverse Germany’s ban on homosexuality.

In Germany, it’s illegal to kill any vertebrate animal “without proper reason,” such as the animal being a danger to humans or becoming too sick. All German animal shelters are subsequently no-kill shelters.

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