Teeth Facts

Drinking beer actually helps strengthen your bones and teeth because it gives you a healthy dose of silicon.

Drinking beer helps strengthen your bones and teeth because it gives you a healthy dose of silicon

Your teeth feel weird after eating spinach because it’s full of oxalic acid and calcium, which form crystals that spit can’t dissolve.

Crocodiles can quickly regrow their missing teeth. In fact, crocodiles can go through as many as 8,000 teeth over a lifetime.

Before the mid-19th century dentures were commonly made with teeth pulled from the mouths of dead soldiers

Sigurd the Mighty, a ninth-century Norse earl of Orkney, was killed by an enemy he had beheaded several hours earlier. He’d tied the man’s head to his horse’s saddle, but while riding home one of its protruding teeth grazed his leg. He died from the infection

Crocodiles can have from 60 to 80 teeth and when they lose a tooth it is automatically replaced

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